Personal Profile

张令奎   Lingkui Zhang

OcBSA: an NGS-based Bulk Segregant Analysis Tool for Outcross Populations. Molecular Plant (2024).
The lack of negative association between TE load and subgenome dominance in synthesized Brassica allotetraploids. PNAS (2023).
The gap-free potato genome reveals large tandem gene clusters of agronomical importance in highly repeated genomic regions. Molecular Plant (2022).
The adaptive evolution of Euryale ferox to the aquatic environment through paleo-hexaploidization. The Plant Journal (2022).

PhD student of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Nanjing Agricultural University. My research interests are in Solanaceae evolution and functional genomics.
2018-2021. Master, Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
2014-2018. Bachelor, College of Agriculture, Ludong University.